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Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray

The Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray (Taeniura lymma) is a small, brightly colored stingray found in shallow tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific. It is easily recognized by its vibrant blue spots and elongated tail with blue stripes, which help it blend into sandy and coral reef environments. This ray is a bottom-dwelling carnivore, feeding on small fish,…

SKU: MIX 010
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Tank Size:
  • Minimum 180 gallons for a juvenile
  • 300+ gallons for an adult (requires a large, open swimming area)
  • Best suited for public aquariums or expert-level home setups
Water Parameters:
  • Temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
  • pH: 8.1-8.4
  • Salinity: 1.023-1.026 SG
  • Ammonia & Nitrites: 0 ppm
  • Nitrates: Below 10 ppm (sensitive to poor water quality)
Tank Setup:
  • Large, open sandy bottom (avoids injury to its delicate underside)
  • Minimal rockwork with smooth surfaces for resting
  • Gentle water flow to mimic natural lagoon habitats
  • Secure lid (can jump when startled)
Tank Mates:
  • Peaceful, non-aggressive species that won’t nip at its fins or eyes
  • Avoid large, aggressive predators
  • Should not be housed with small fish or crustaceans (may be eaten)
Diet & Feeding:
  • Carnivorous; feeds on shrimp, squid, fish, and other meaty foods
  • Requires frequent small meals (2-3 times per day)
  • May take time to adjust to prepared foods

Caution: The Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray has venomous spines on its tail used for defense. Handling should be done with extreme care. This species is best kept by experienced aquarists with large, well-maintained systems.