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Import – Export

Tropical ornamental marine fish supply is a delicate field. It entails dealing with live fish which can be vulnerable to various strains like effects of transport on fish stress and seasons of the sun. But when you study and research well on the correct procedures and requirements for your fish as well as the market then you engage yourself in a routine for such a long time, you gain the experience.

To begin with, experience in business comes in various forms which include building a rapport for oneself and the company.  Also indulging and connecting to the right people and associates is also part of experience. With this in mind, KMC is continuously taking part in international trade shows and fairs, actively involving in social media networks which give us open forum to get ideas and critics from all traders worldwide. Also being member of international organizations dealing in fish and aquatic industry like OFI, OATA has made us develop a worldwide supply network for the last 10 years.

The specific knowledge of the market and our products has led to being the best supplier of healthy and active fish as well as invertebrates which has given us a continuous growth over a long period of time. With this knowledge in place, we can positively say that we connect to more than 300 destinations in the world.  And this is such a big step for us.

What we also did was maintaining our high level of standards and quality by sticking to the code of ethics as well as working in line with the authorities. This is both locally and abroad especially the import and exporting permits required for trading and dealing in live aquatic animals.

Foundation and start of our journey.
Foundation and start of our journey.

Similarly standards and quality can be felt and the holding with our newly installed high performance protein skimmer so that the quality of water is maintained and fish are quarantined and acclimatized properly. The replacement of old skimmer came in just after we had installed a super UV sterilizer which keeps all bacteria in the water at bay. So the two working together is just a perfect match!

kenya marine center set up
kenya marine center assembling going on
Assembling going on

We also talk about quality at KMC in reference to the dedication we have been putting in to ensure that customers are all satisfied at all levels. Dedication is put in place at all steps of chain of operation. In that,

  1. Our trained fishermen fish sustainably only selecting fish that are on customer orders hence avoiding by-catches,

  2. Aquarium staff ensuring that the fish are well taken care as they are at the holding tanks awaiting for packing,

  3. The packing department which is always ready to do their part in the chain,

  4. Administration works on the paperwork required by shipment,

  5. Transport who ensures fish are carried from ocean to holding station timely so they are not stressed and also carries the packed fish to airport for shipping to final destination, being the customers airport,

  6. Booking office ensures the flight is booked and scheduled for the specific time and date of shipment,

  7. And not forgetting the management who takes care of all necessary requirements and logistics both on the ground from back office to front for the sufficient flow of this chain until the customer receives the shipment.

kenya marine center star fish

This is realized since we have experienced long serving staff who are trained and always ensures high standards of sustainability and quality are maintained by being involved in only accredited methods of fishing and on-the order only, bring the caught fish to holding station where fish are well selected then quarantined and observed at our tanks before they are separated for packing. And then, they are transported to their final destination by air.

More so, it has helped us to meet our customer expectations, who expect us to deliver quality products. And we have managed to retain their loyalty for now and future. Quality products make an important contribution to long-term revenue and profitability. They also enable you to charge and maintain pricing, in which the ability of having huge supply power in the industry has given us opportunity to bargain for competitive prices in the market hence the reason why we sell in wholesale prices.

kenya marine center facility

Lastly, a major step is that, due to huge freight volumes that we ship out regularly we now have cheaper freight rates with established quality airlines as well as spot rates to major destinations among our supply networks. This means that our clients are in better position to order big and pay low freight rates for their shipments.

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Import – Export

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